The exhilarating aura of true education in the glorious institute like Bankura Sammilani College is much dependent on the organic growth of the departments of which the Dept. of English will its sapient tech-savvy teachers likes a pivotal role. Gearing up for the tough task of upholding the principles of incisive learning the department with its 02 (Two) Associate, 1 (One) Assistant Prof. 2(Two) permanent Part-time teachers and 2 (Two) guest lecturers, has always tried to maintain a healthy cohesion among the teachers and unwavering discipline among the students. Though, at times, the Dept. head to face the paucity of faculty, it had never compromised within standard of education, having successfully overcome the hurdles with faithful fortitude. View through the prism of academic achievement a very fascinating facet, of the dept. the narrative of its strength has been exciting especially when it reflects on the inspiring results of the students and their placement in different areas of works. Under the astute guidance and academic prowess of the honourable Principal, the post graduate courses in English has been introduced in 2017 and a Memorandum of understanding has been signed with the Ulangong University, Australia, for the uplift of academic standard. The department is very hopeful of introducing the Australian study centre very soon. The Dept. has taken up slew of measures like surprise class tests, viva-voce, internal assessments, pre examination counselling and seminars solely delivered by students rotationally, to make the teaching –learning attractive as well as fruitful. The onslaught of the stuttering economic condition could not deter our hon’ble Principal to take the best decisions possible in that circumstances while furnishing the P.G Dept. and recruiting the guest lecturers within the ambit of U.G.C. rules and regulations. The teachers and students also enjoy free access to the very rich central library as well as the departmental one.